Five Reasons You Should Use Telemedicine

You have a question for your doctor. You don't want to ignore it, but you're afraid to go into the clinic during the coronavirus pandemic. What should you do?

The answer may rest in the palm of your hand. Thanks to modern technology, you can now visit your doctor via a secure connection from your phone or computer. The demand for telehealth is exploding. Discover five reasons why telemedicine is so popular and why this is the perfect time for you to hop online.

Your life will be easier: 

Let's face it, visiting the doctor is a hassle even in the best of circumstances. Securing an appointment often takes weeks. On the day of your visit, you need to miss work, battle traffic, and still wait an hour to be seen. Not so with virtual visits. Skip the freeways, parking lots, and stale magazines in the waiting room. See the doctor from the comfort of your home. If you need labs or medications, the doctor can order them online. Very convenient!

You'll save money:

Medicare and multiple insurance companies will reward you if you use telemedicine. Many programs offer telemedicine visits with no out of pocket costs. Why spend a bunch of cash to see your doctor in person when you can visit them online for less? Be sure to check with your insurance provider about their telehealth policies.

Telehealth is perfect for many conditions:

While you should probably avoid a virtual visit for emergencies like trauma or chest pain, a telemedicine doctor can treat a variety of conditions online. You'll find telehealth great for medication refills, COVID-19 questions, psychiatric health, birth control, erectile dysfunction, dermatology, diarrhea, colds, postoperative followups, preoperative discussions, arthritis, general questions, wellness visits, and most chronic disease management. It's even possible to have monitoring devices at your home (blood pressure, glucose, EKG) that communicate directly with your doctor! Consult with your physician to see whether your needs can be managed online. 

As a telemedicine physician specializing in current and retired athletes, my colleagues and I can help you with your unique needs like sleep, diet, and nutrition.

Direct access to primary care docs and specialists:

There's a shortage of specialists, particularly in rural areas. Even in major cities, it can be tough to make an appointment with the right doctor. Telehealth benefits patients across the country by increasing access to physicians and helping primary care doctors coordinate with specialists. Wherever you live, a telemedicine doctor is available to help.

Telemedicine will help protect you and others from catching COVID-19

Folks spray coronavirus all over the doctor's office every time they sneeze. Clinics are dripping with germs. If you can, you want to avoid medical centers. If your need can be solved online, you'll save yourself from the dangers lurking behind every stethoscope, pen, and piece of office furniture. Telemedicine will keep you out of harm's way. You'll also help others by staying home, as you'll free up your doctor's and nurse's time to see sick patients in urgent need of care. 

These are challenging times for doctors and patients alike. Our medical heroes risk their lives every day to protect us. Let's do our part by staying home and visiting our physicians online. 

Gregory Charlop, MD, is a physician and wellness medicine expert based in Beverly Hills, CA. He owns a telemedicine clinic for elite performers. Contact him directly at

Gregory Charlop

Gregory Charlop, MD is the author of Why Doctors Skip Breakfast. His telemedicine wellness clinic for athletes and executives is available throughout California.

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