Is there a natural way to manage my depression?

Q: Dear Dr. Greg,

Thanks to brave athletes like Naomi Osaka, depression and mental health are finally gaining the attention they deserve in the sports community. I'm a retired basketball player, and I've been dealing with depression most of my adult life. The pills I've been taking barely help. Is there a natural option I can try?

Jasmine | Retired WNBA

A: Dear Jasmine,

Thank you for sharing the story of your battle with depression. For too long, the sports world swept the dangers of mental illness under the rug. Athletes had to suffer alone. Now, it looks like things are starting to improve. 

Unfortunately, you are correct about most antidepressants. While prescription pills can help some people, many find little benefit. Having said that, please do not change or discontinue your antidepressant medication without speaking to your doctor. 

The good news is that we may have a powerful (and safe) new weapon in the war against depression. Recent studies suggest that high-dose omega-3s may reduce the symptoms of major depressive disorder. Athletes have been using fish oil for years for pain and inflammation. Your daily fish oil capsules are now good for your heart, joints, and mood!

Fish oil works fast. Folks taking 3 gm/day of EPA or 1.4 gm/day of DHA felt better in under 12 weeks. Scientists believe that fish oil might make us feel better by decreasing brain inflammation and unlocking the brain's ability to heal itself. These powerful fats may help protect our brain cells from dying as we age. Thank you, Mr. Mackerel! 

Honestly, I'm not surprised by the new research. I've been recommending high-dose fish oil to my retired athlete patients for years. Based on the newest results, it's probably safe for most athletes with depression to add fish oil to their daily routines. To protect the environment and your health, I recommend selecting sustainably sourced products low in mercury. Start with one or two capsules a day and work your way up.

*Note: Algae oil may be a suitable alternative for vegans or those unable to eat fish. Be sure to choose a brand rich in DHA and EPA.

Dr. Greg

Gregory Charlop

Gregory Charlop, MD is the author of Why Doctors Skip Breakfast. His telemedicine wellness clinic for athletes and executives is available throughout California.

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Naomi Osaka and depression