Do I have depression?

Q: Dear Dr. Greg,

I'm a retired professional baseball player, and I think I might have depression. How can I tell? Ever since my divorce, I just stick around the house and eat. I'm asleep by 9 pm and don't wake up until noon the next day. But, I still have some good days, like when my daughter visited me last week. Can I have depression?

Jim | MLB

A: Dear Jim,

Depression is more common than ever, thanks to our isolation and concern about the future. The virus and lockdowns are taking a toll on our mental health. You are not alone.

Depression is a medical illness. Folks with depression need counseling and treatment. While only your doctor or mental health professional can diagnose depression, here are some signs that you might be depressed:

●      Lack of interest in stuff you used to enjoy - You aren't as into hanging with friends, eating a good meal, sports, or sex

●      Sleep problems - You can't fall asleep, wake up too early, or sleep too long

●      You often feel sad or guilty for no apparent reason

●      Pessimism - You feel tomorrow won't be better than today, and you feel helpless

●      Unexplained pains, headaches, or stomach problems (pain not caused by a known injury)

●      Anger - You often feel upset and you fight more than usual

●      You feel anxious or nervous

●      Low energy - You feel tired much of the day and have a hard time working or concentrating

●      Eating problems - Either over or under-eating

●      Thoughts of suicide

You don't need to have everything on this list to have depression. For example, you can have proper sleep and still be depressed. Be honest, do many of the items on the list describe you a lot of the time? If so, please seek help. Check-in with your doctor, therapist, or contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Dr. Greg

Gregory Charlop

Gregory Charlop, MD is the author of Why Doctors Skip Breakfast. His telemedicine wellness clinic for athletes and executives is available throughout California.

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